What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-thin needles along the meridian lines of the body to balance energy flow. This practice has been around for approximately 3,000 years and is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also known as TCM. The aim of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to bring balance to the yin and the yang in the body as it’s believed that the imbalance of these two forces is what causes illness. 

How does acupuncture work? 

By inserting the needles in areas of stagnation it unblocks imbalances and allows the Qi to flow, thus creating a healthy body. As acupuncture has risen in popularity in the West, it’s more commonly explained that acupuncture activates the body’s self-healing mechanism through the micro-injury of the needle. While understanding the science behind it is still a work in progress, Western doctors are now widely accepting acupuncture as a treatment for pain, bringing acupuncturists into hospitals to treat patients.

Benefits of Acupuncture: 

Acupuncture can help improve the following conditions: 

  • Fertility

  • IVF 

  • Pregnancy

  • Menopause

  • PMS 

  • Pain

  • Migraines 

  • Mood (Depression, Anxiety)

  • Stress

  • Digestive Problems

  • Allergies

  • Sleep

On top of that, it’s safe with no major side effects (when working with a trained practitioner).

What should I expect at my first acupuncture appointment? 

Prior to your appointment we’ll have you fill out forms to gain insight into your health history and the problems you’re facing that brought you to our clinic. For the initial appointment, we’ll spend a good portion of the appointment getting to know each other to create a plan that works for your unique constitution and goals. From there we’ll start needling! If it’s your first time getting acupuncture, we’ll take it slow, trying out easier points at first so you can become comfortable with the sensation. You shouldn’t feel pain from needling, in fact, many patients fall asleep during treatment because they’re so calm. From the heated table, eye-mask, to soothing oils -  we promise to make it a relaxing and healing experience for you. 

During your appointment it’s likely that you’ll receive a variety of Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities in addition to acupuncture. Here at Nurture, we practice acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, and meditation during your treatment. We’ll send you home with a care plan, often including nutritional suggestions and recommending Traditional Chinese Herbs as a part of our holistic healing approach. We believe that by offering all of these modalities together you’ll find the approach best for your unique constitution and learn how to nurture and take care of yourself in and out of appointments. 

We hope to see you soon! 

Learn more about Gina Fabiano’s background

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